Handyman in Sherman Oaks CA

Free Home Repair Estimate

Call us for an over the phone estimate, we can schedule an in-home inspection to give you an accurate price for the repairs.  We are honest and work fast and easy because we know what we are doing.  We’ve been doing home repairs for over 26 years.  Our staff is friendly and are helpful.  Our handymen in Sherman Oaks CA, can repair just about anything from a garbage disposal to installing your new kitchen sink and faucet.  We have fair prices and 90 days gaurantee on all of our workmanship.  If you are not satisfied, we will give you your money back. 

High-Quality Residential Home Repair Services

We pride ourselves on providing high-quality residential home repair services. Our team of experienced pros are dedicated to ensuring that your electrical, plumbing, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are repaired and running efficiently at their optimum.

Gauranteed Home Repairs

All of our services are gauranteed for 90 days after repair.  We are friendly, and we love to serve our neighbors.  We can also do maintenance on your systems that need regular maintenance like your tankless water heater, and your air conditioning.  We can help you keep the water hot and the air conditioning cool.  Call us today for a free estimate.

Call us at (747) 324-0595 now to discuss your home repair needs. We’ll gladly give you a free estimate when you call.


Call us to take a look at your air conditioner.  Our technicians are trained professional air conditioning professionals that can turn on your air conditioner and see how efficient it is in delivering cold air to the rest of your house.  We take a look at the blower motor and the different speeds it operates in as well as take a look at your thermostat and how the temperature is controlled and sensored.  

We handle all the different types of air conditioners including window air conditioners, as well as central air conditioners and split-system air conditioners.  We deal with the different types of refrigerants needed for the different air conditioning systems.

Don’t wait till your air conditioner breaks down, let us service your air conditioner and make sure everything is optimal shape.  We can measure the high and low pressure and charge your system to the appropriate pressure so your air conditioner will work effortlessly and efficienly.


Our electric services in Sherman Oaks CA include light fixture replacement or repair.  We can take a look at why your light switch is not turning the light on as well as install a new light decor switch through out your house.  We can also diagnose and repair electrical outlets through out your home.  If you have no power and need some one to come over same day service, we can do that for you.  We can do an in home service call same day and have your lights back on in no time at all.

We do a lot of wiring for home owners with solar panels that decide they can change out the gas oven for an electric oven and find out they need a 240 outlet in the kitchen.  We have installed conduit and wiring from electrical panels to the kitchen for that purpose.  

We also do outdoor wiring and outdoor lighting.  We can runn the conduit and run the wires and make everything weather proof tightly sealed out of the rain.


Our heating experts work though out the winter to make sure your heating furnace and thermostat are communicating and working together to make your home as warm as necessary to fight the feirce cold we are having.  Furnaces are generally do not break down and do not have much maintenance.  The heat they generate in the winter is very welcomed and they work hard all winter long and rest the rest of the summer.  Turning one back on generally is easy but with the gas pilot being out, it will take a professional sometimes to get the piolet to go on.  The secret to that, you see is, the pilot has to be on for a while to heat an element there that needs to be heated in order to release the rest of the gas, otherwise, it thinks the sensor senses coldness so the piolet must be out and the valve cuts the gas from being released.  

The other thing that ends up happening over the summer, the batteries to the thermostat run out of power and thus there is no ignition of the furnace and the heater does not turn on.  That, of course, is easily solved by replacing the batteries and turning the thermostat to hot.  Make sure the gas line is flowing and the piolet is lit before turning the thermostat on heat.


We do all of the plumbing services that a plumber does in the house and under the house, and we take care of your main water line and your main sewer.  We also do kitchen fixture installations including water closet, vanity, showers, shower valves, kitchen sinks, water heaters, tankless water heaters, and faucets.  We come to you and discuss your plumbing needs and we give you a free estimate.  If you need consultation, we will give you our expert opinion.  


Contact Us Today!

At George Saado, we understand when your garbage disposal brakes down, it can be stressful and inconvenient. That’s why we offer fast, reliable garbage disposal repair service at competitive rates. We also offer 24/7 emergency service for those unexpected electrical, plumbing, heating, and air conditioning  issues that just can’t wait.

High Quality Services

24/7 Emergency

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Quality work completed on time.

Electrical Repair Services

We offer a wide range of Electrical Repair Services for all of your residential electrical needs, including wiring, rewiring, lighting, outlet, switch, smoke detector, and much more!

Professional Quality

Great Support

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Affordable Services



Plumbing Repair Services

We offer a wide range of plumbing services to meet all of your plumbing needs. From garbage disposal repair to water heater repair, we do it all.

Professional Quality

Great Support

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Affordable Services






Contact Us

Thank you for considering George Saado – Handyman – for all of your residential electrical, plumbing, and air conditioning needs. We look forward to serving you! Please call, email, or fill out the form to make an appointment or ask any questions you may have.


Sherman Oaks, CA

(747) 324-0595

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